Hi my name is Lewis Dabell, carp angler, Long range caster and Consultant for CODE RODS.
During 2020 I constantly had requests from fellow anglers to help with their own long range casting.
Being an experienced distance caster I am now offering tutorial casting days, these can be either booked individually or as a group booking (maximum of 6 people).
There are a variety of subject I advice on in the tuition lessons including:
- Improved range.
- Technique and control.
- Accuracy.
- Spodding at distance.
- Line, leader options.
- Level line casting.
- Rig safety.
- The perfect rod choice for you.
If you’re struggling to reach those distances other anglers can or simply wish to improve accuracy or learn better technique we can cater for individual needs. Lessons are based around 3-5 hours based on group size. All rods and reels are provided on the day but please feel free to bring your own.
Rods provided are a range from CODE RODS in 12, 12.6 and 13 ft lengths.
I regularly receive messages on social media for tips and advice on casting, so please feel free to contact me for any help or guidance.
For more information or if you wish to book casting day session please feel free to contact me at lewisdabell@live.co.uk or give me a call on 07557 049677 and check out the link to my facebook page and Instagram account.
Lewis Dabell.